Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In Celebration of Valentine's Day

Why shouldn’t everyday be Valentine’s Day?   In my book – it is!  Love well everyday of your life – love the ones you’re with as the song goes…..every second, minute, hour, day is a gift you share with strangers, friends and family! Live it to the fullest.

Our Circle of Life TEAM “shares the love”  24/7 --- by providing compassionate care and support for our patients and their families. 

Happy Valentine's Day friends.

Monday, February 6, 2012

My First Hospice Experience

"Mary, it's a choice of prolonging your mother's life or prolonging her death." Words that will always ring in my ears.  With encouragement from my Mom's physician -- as a family - two brothers, a sister and my Mom our family chose Circle of Life Hospice care.    A choice that allowed my family to "walk alongside Mom" all the way to heaven. Circle of Life Hospice allowed her to die at home, without suffering, in peace and surrounded by her family.  

It was February, 2004 at the age of 45 that I had my first experience with hospice care and at that time I knew it wouldn't be my last.  Though I never imagined that I  would be given the privilege to provide the leadership to Circle of Life Hospice and be apart of that very team that helped "walk my Mom to heaven". 

I remember the  day, March 13, 2004, that my Mom died so very clearly and for me it will always be one of my greatest reminders as to why I chose this calling as my "life's work" and dedicate myself each day to helping people of NWA get the care and support that is the best that humankind can offer! 

I am blessed and I AM HOSPICE.