Thursday, April 5, 2012

National Healthcare Decisions Day

Spring is definitely in the air and who doesn't love spring? (okay, I realize if you have trouble with allergies you may not) First the daffodils begin to bloom, followed closely by the red buds, forsythia and then YES the dogwoods!  A sequence that is as predictable as birth, life, and death.  The difference  being we don't always know the timing of the latter - death.

That's why I believe it is so important to live life with our heads "above the sand" -- recognizing each day and all the beauty that nature brings as a gift and that one day all of us will face our transition into afterlife.  Not necessarily a topic for the dinner table or is it?  I propose it is or should be anyway .  April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day. A day set aside to talk about this very subject with those close to you.  Join me in advocating for NATIONAL HEALTHCARE Decisions Day and plan for ALL of your days. 

Click on the link to learn more about this event and please share it with those you love.  I'm tempted to mention the classic seat belt commercial of the 70's -- oh, what the heck -- if you love them "buckle up" . . . if you love them, share this link as it's JUST THAT IMPORTANT!

As always, let me know how we at Circle of Life can help you with you and your loved ones planning -- we are a hospice but we are as much about living as we are dying!

I am Hospice, Mary

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